Lista de webinarii medicale 2020

Conferinta online ”ONLINE NEONATOLOGY SYMPOSIUM Romanian Association of Neonatology”

29-06-2020 - 30-06-2020
Medicina de familie

The topics of the present webinar, is generated by the fact that, with the development of neonatal medicine, the survival rate of preterm infants with extremely/ultra-low birth weight has increased yearly, and the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) has also increased over year.

Mechanical ventilation can quickly and effectively improve the clinical symptoms of preterm infants with severe RDS, but long-term invasive ventilation may increase the risks for ventilator-associated lung injury and infection.

Therefore, the mechanical ventilation in preterm infants with severe RDS should be switched to non-invasive respiratory support as soon as their spontaneous breathing becomes stable and symptoms are improved. For this reason, prof. Ramanathan will provide us lectures about both invasive and non-invasive support therapies.

?Data si ora : 29-30.06.2020

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